title: sparql/query description: > A sparql query received on the triplet store backends (e.g. query.wikidata.org) $id: /sparql/query/1.0.0 $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#' type: object additionalProperties: false required: - $schema - backend_host - http - meta - namespace - query properties: $schema: description: > A URI identifying the JSONSchema for this event. This should match an schema's $id in a schema repository. E.g. /schema/title/1.0.0 type: string meta: type: object required: - dt - stream properties: uri: type: string format: uri-reference maxLength: 8192 description: Unique URI identifying the event or entity request_id: description: Unique ID of the request that caused the event type: string id: description: Unique ID of this event type: string dt: type: string format: date-time maxLength: 128 description: 'UTC event datetime, in ISO-8601 format' domain: description: Domain the event or entity pertains to type: string minLength: 1 stream: description: Name of the stream/queue/dataset that this event belongs in type: string minLength: 1 http: description: Information about the HTTP request that generated an event. type: object properties: method: description: 'The HTTP request method (GET, POST, etc.)' type: string client_ip: description: The HTTP client's IP address type: string request_headers: description: Request headers sent by the client. type: object additionalProperties: type: string response_headers: description: Response headers sent back to the client (when known). type: object additionalProperties: type: string has_cookies: description: True if the HTTP request has any cookies set type: boolean status_code: description: The HTTP status code returned for this request (when known) type: integer minimum: -9007199254740991 maximum: 9007199254740991 backend_host: description: Hostname of sparql endpoint (blazegraph) server handling this sparql query type: string namespace: description: | Name of the database being requested type: string query: description: sparql query received type: string query_time: description: query time type: integer minimum: -9007199254740991 maximum: 9007199254740991 format: description: the format requested (overrides the Accept header if set) type: string params: description: > Request parameters. Usually from the HTTP query string or in the request body if the POST method is used. Note that the query and format params are not duplicated in this property. type: object additionalProperties: type: string examples: - $schema: /sparql/query/1.0.0 meta: stream: sparql_query_example dt: '2020-07-01T00:00:00Z' http: method: GET has_cookies: false status_code: 200 backend_host: wdqs-example1001 namespace: wdq query: example_query format: json