title: analytics/mediawiki/web_ab_test_enrollment description: >- Tracks bucketing of users for an A/B test $id: /analytics/mediawiki/web_ab_test_enrollment/2.0.0 $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema# type: object allOf: - $ref: /fragment/analytics/common/2.0.0# - $ref: /fragment/analytics/web_identifiers/1.0.0# - $ref: /fragment/analytics/web/2.0.0# required: - wiki - group - experiment_name properties: wiki: description: >- The project in which the experiment event happens. type: string group: description: >- The name of the bucket/experiment group to which the user is assigned. type: string experiment_name: description: >- The experiment project name. type: string is_anon: description: Is the user viewing anonymously? type: boolean is_bot: description: Is the user a bot? type: boolean examples: - $schema: $ref: '#/$id' meta: stream: mediawiki.web_ab_test_enrollment_example dt: '2021-10-27T18:10:08.108Z' wiki: enwiki group: withStickyHeader experiment_name: sticky_header_2021_10 is_anon: false is_bot: false