title: analytics/mediawiki/accountcreation/block description: >- Represents an event where the user is blocked from creating an account via Special:CreateAccount or the createaccount API. $id: /analytics/mediawiki/accountcreation/block/4.0.0 $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema# type: object allOf: - $ref: /fragment/analytics/common/2.0.0 - $ref: /fragment/mediawiki/common/2.0.0 # from schemas/event/primary - $ref: /fragment/http/client_ip/1.0.0 # from schemas/event/primary - required: - block_type - block_scope - block_expiry - error_message_keys - error_messages - user_ip - is_api - database # from fragment/mediawiki/common - performer # from fragment/mediawiki/common - properties: block_id: type: string description: >- The identifier of the block (as in Block::getIdentifier()) as a JSON string. For most blocks, this the block ID (ipb_id or gb_id DB field). For system blocks, it's a keyword describing the type of block. For composite blocks, it's an array of the identifiers of each composing block. See https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Manual:Block_abstraction_layer for more information on these. block_type: type: string enum: - user - ip - range - autoblock - id - other description: How the block is targeted (matches Block::getType()). 'id' is a legacy value. block_expiry: type: string description: >- The ISO timestamp of when the block will be released, or the string 'infinity' for indefinite blocks. block_scope: type: string enum: - local - global error_message_keys: type: array items: type: string description: List of the error keys thrown during account creation. error_messages: type: array items: type: string description: List of the error messages thrown during account creation. user_ip: type: string description: The IP of the blocked user. is_api: type: boolean description: Whereas the create account request was made via the MW API or web interface. examples: - $schema: $ref: '#/$id' meta: stream: mediawiki.accountcreation_block domain: cs.wikipedia.org dt: '2021-10-12T00:20:00.649Z' database: 'abwiki' performer: user_id: 1 user_edit_count: 100 http: client_ip: request_headers: user-agent: curl/7.64.1 block_id: '1' block_type: 'ip' block_expiry: 'infinity' block_scope: 'local' error_message_keys: ['globalblocking-ipblocked'] error_messages: ['Your IP address has been blocked on all wikis...'] user_ip: '' is_api: true