title: analytics/legacy/quicksurveysresponses description: Logs respones to QuickSurveys $id: /analytics/legacy/quicksurveysresponses/1.0.0 $schema: 'https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema#' type: object allOf: - $ref: /fragment/analytics/legacy/eventcapsule/1.2.0 - $ref: /fragment/http/client_ip/1.0.0# - required: - event properties: event: type: object required: - namespaceId - surveyCodeName - surveyResponseValue - platform - isTablet - userLanguage - isLoggedIn - countryCode properties: namespaceId: description: Namespace ID. type: integer surveySessionToken: description: 'Session token that survives pages and in the rarest cases, tabs.' type: string pageviewToken: description: Token unique to current page's JS execution context. type: string pageId: description: ID of the page user was reading. type: integer pageTitle: description: Title of the page the user was reading. type: string surveyCodeName: type: string surveyResponseValue: description: >- The answer the user selected, using the i18n key and not the localized value. type: string platform: type: string enum: - web - iosapp - androidapp description: The platform that the user is submitting the response from. skin: description: 'Skin name, i.e. `minerva`, `minervabeta`, `vector`, etc.' type: string isTablet: description: Whether the user's device is tablet size or bigger. type: boolean userLanguage: description: The language of the survey. type: string isLoggedIn: description: Whether the user is logged in. type: boolean editCountBucket: type: string enum: - 0 edits - 1-4 edits - 5-99 edits - 100-999 edits - 1000+ edits countryCode: description: >- This is available from the GeoIP cookie's first field in its colon separated list. 'Unknown' if unknown. type: string examples: - event: countryCode: DO isLoggedIn: false isTablet: false namespaceId: 0 pageId: 1 platform: web surveyCodeName: perceived-performance-survey surveyResponseValue: ext-quicksurveys-example-internal-survey-answer-positive userLanguage: en meta: dt: '2020-04-02T19:11:20.942Z' id: b0caf18d-6c7f-4403-947d-2712bbe28610 stream: eventlogging_QuickSurveysResponses dt: '2020-04-02T19:11:20.942Z' client_dt: '2020-04-02T19:11:20.942Z' $schema: $ref: '#/$id' schema: QuickSurveysResponses