title: mediawiki/revision/score description: Represents a MW Revision Score event (from ORES). $id: /mediawiki/revision/score/3.0.0 $schema: https://json-schema.org/draft-07/schema# type: object additionalProperties: false allOf: ### revision entity fields - all revision related events should have these. - $ref: /fragment/mediawiki/revision/common/3.0.0# ### revision/score specific fields properties: scores: description: > List of ORES score objects. Each model uses the model name as a map key and was used to score this revision. Example: { "awesomeness": { "model_name": "awesomeness", "model_version": "1.0.1", "prediction": ["yes", "mostly"], "probability": { "yes": 0.99, "mostly": 0.90, "hardly": 0.01 } } } type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: model_name: description: The name of the model used for this score. type: string model_version: description: The version of the model used for this score. type: string prediction: description: A list of predictions made by this model. type: array items: type: string probability: description: > A list of probabilities made by this model. Each element is a key/value with a probability name and a probability value. type: object additionalProperties: type: number required: - model_name - model_version - prediction - probability errors: description: Errors that occured when models attempted to score this revision. Each error uses the model name as a map key. type: object additionalProperties: type: object properties: model_name: description: The name of the model that encountered this error. type: string model_version: description: The version of the model that encountered this error. type: string type: description: The short name of this error type: string message: description: A human-readable explanation of what went wrong type: string required: - model_name - model_version - type - message examples: - $schema: { $ref: '#/$id' } dt: '2020-06-10T18:53:00Z' meta: uri: https://examplewiki.wikipedia.org/wiki/TestPage10 dt: '2020-06-10T18:57:16Z' domain: test.wikipedia.org stream: mediawiki.revision-score database: examplewiki page_id: 123 page_title: TestPage10 page_namespace: 0 page_is_redirect: false rev_id: 123 rev_timestamp: '2020-06-10T18:53:00Z' performer: user_text: example_user_text user_groups: - "*" - user - autoconfirmed user_is_bot: false user_id: 123 user_registration_dt: '2016-01-29T21:13:24Z' user_edit_count: 1 rev_parent_id: 122 scores: example_model: model_name: example_model model_version: 1.0.1 prediction: - yes - mostly probability: yes: 0.99 mostly: 0.9 hardly: 0.01